Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Last night as I was tucking Seth into bed, he said "I don't know if Bryce will ever marry, but I definitely am. I know that." I laughed and asked how he knew that for sure. He responded "Because I've made my choices already!". " Really?!" I said. "And what other choices have you made?" "Well, I'm going to get married, buy a ratty old house and fix it up the way I want." I asked if college was included in his plans. "Well, yeah! And then I'll have a girlfriend too!" I proceeded to tell him that he'd be really busy in college studying and wouldn't really have time for a girlfriend. He said, "Well, then when WOULD I be able to get a girlfriend?!?" I told him he just really didn't need one until he was ready to think about getting married. That may have backfired on me a bit...he replied "Then maybe no college...". Uh, oh. This little man is 7!! I'm a little worried...

On the flip side, when I came out of Seth's room, Bryce threw his two cents in... "The reason I'm not getting married is because I want to go to concerts and don't want to hear a girl saying *whiny voice* 'You never spend annnnyyyy tiiiiiime with MEEEEE....".

Certainly makes me ponder what all they're taking in!!


zz said...


Doug and Jen said...

so funny! I think they catch more than we realize :)

Aunt Linda said...

LOL...I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but both of my girls will attest to the fact that college/study time does not preclude romantic relationships!!! But hey, keep telling him that & maybe he'll believe it! ROFL

Jessi said...

Aunt Linda, that was kind of the point of my approach...I am WELL aware of the college relationships, so thought I'd start planting those seeds early to maybe have him convinced by the time he gets to college!! LOL