Tuesday, February 16, 2010

return to routine

I like the seasons to act the way they are supposed to. I like it hot in the summer, crisp and cool in the fall, and LOTS of snow in the winter. That makes the warm spring breezes all the better. And I certainly have now gotten the type of winter I want! Last week we got about 2 feet of snow on top of the 18 inches we had from the previous weekend. My kids have spent countless hours in the snow sliding and building and bombarding. We snuggled in and made funnel cake and snow ice cream. We watched movies. We played games. It was a blast. And now I'm done. Seriously. I now say wholeheartedly, "C'mon spring!!!!"!

Because of this wonderful wintry blast with a holiday yesterday coming right on the tail-end of it, the troops were home for 6 days straight. I thoroughly enjoyed it. And now I can say I will thoroughly enjoy returning to some semblance of sanity. As much as I like breaks from it, routine is a very, very good thing. This morning was a nightmare. I chalk it up to too many days off. But it's done and now I'm planning to experience a much better day, and praying that my kiddos can also put the chaos that pervaded our household this morning behind them and find returning to school to day a good thing. I'm pretty sure I will!

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