Thursday, January 17, 2008

definitely a rain event...

Yeah, definitely a rain event...

I think I'll make a pot of chili while I pray for my hubby's safe arrival home.


Anonymous said...

So much fun! Hey, I read your post about spinning plates. I coudln't add anything else, but I have found that when I (er--my husband) cuts out my blogging time, I get a lot more done on the homefront.

BTW, how do you get those wonderful pictures (like Thankful Thursday and "my beloved is mine")? I am so inept at these things and my blog template is bbboorrrinnngggg!

Jessi said...

Thanks for the thought Zo, but blogging is like journaling for me, and one of the few things that helps me keep my sanity. A lot of times as I write things out it helps me process them, plus getting outside perspective is helpful for me too. My hubby really encourages me in it, b/c in addition to the above, I've been trying to develop my writing and hope to eventually write a book. (So far I've written 2 childrens' books, one of which I'm working on getting published, and a few articles for our church networks' magazine and leadership newsletters.) Todd really does encourage my writing, and so he is supportive of my blogging as part of developing that.

Plus, it's not something that eats too much time...I generally take a few minutes to check the blogs I 'frequent', don't bunny-trail to other blogs (unless I specifically have time to do so), and generally don't leave many comments.

I will do a post explaining the pics for was simply a 'cut and paste' thing.