We had a full day with trying to get all our school work done, and then heading off for Bets & I to do a 'wreath' arrangement to enter in the yearly contest held at the Glick's Greenhouse Open House/Poinsettia show. (This year, in keeping with the Rt. 66 theme of the weekend, instead of a regular wreath entries had to be a decorated hubcap.) In my opinion, it turned out pretty nice!
After our prayer time, we all got the opportunity to pitch in and help Joe get some work done...though we all got to leave and be home by 11:00, while he will probably still be at it til about 2 a.m. Poor guy...
Anyway, I'm always amazed at the transformation that takes place from a regular 'greenhouse' to a Christmas extravaganza! This year's them is 'Route 66' and I'm absolutely astounded by the wondrously creative displays that are coming together. There's a delightful blend of the history and nostalgia of Route 66 and the beautiful Christmasy-ness of the several varieties of poinsettias and other winter greens and plants. The main display - the Rt. 66 sign made entirely out of poinsettias, and the 'Cars' room (as in the Pixar movie) are just phenomenal. The creativity and artistic abilities of those who created them leave me speechless. I will try to get pics of them before the show is over. However, in the meantime I took just a few 'preview' shots,
the water wheel
pre-transformed walkway
cool new variety poinsettia - 'carousel'
but they don't do anything an ounce of justice, and you can't possibly get the full affect without seeing it all live and in person! (These aren't even any of the displays, just some general greenhouse shots that I thought were pretty). So if you have some time (and leave nearby) come on over and 'Get your kicks on Rt. 66 - at Glicks!'. And if you want, you can visit me at Register 4 - I'll be there the entire show!!
You definitely don't want to miss this! (You can click the image below to visit the Glick's website for more info about the show...).

I know that the open house is this weekend, but will they still have it mostly set up on Tuesday, when I arrive? I would LOVE to see it!! I haven't seen their Christmas open house since the theme was "Victorian Tea"...or something similar to that. I'm thinking it was at least 5-6 years ago?
Can't wait to see y'all! What a special blessing God bestowed on me to allow me to find a way to come up & visit for a few days--without the tag of sadness that usually compels us back home. He is SO good!!
Love y'all!
cool! can't wait to see it this weekend
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