In the past 16 years we've certainly experienced our shares of ups and downs, joys and sorrows. I've thought a lot about what I wanted to say to try and convey my thoughts and feelings about my husband, and my marriage, but I simply cannot find adequate words. Todd is my very best friend, as has been since 10th grade, before we ever began dating. I cannot imagine my life without him. (That's actually why we started dating...he was going to ask another girl out, and the thought of him with someone else was more than I could bear. I showed up in tears at his house and flat out told him I was in love with him. This was before we started dating, mind you!! What can I say...I just knew that I knew!! Crazy, looking back on it...) I've now been with him for more years than I was without.
I truly don't know where I stop and he starts, and vice-versa, because we are so meshed into one-flesh. We share everything from a home to children to ministry. I think we accentuate each others strengths and cover one anothers weaknesses. The other night someone said something to us that I felt was the ultimate compliment...he said, in reference to Todd & I leading Koinonia House, that we operated more like Adam and Eve did in the garden, pre-fall, flowing together in their mission.
We simply don't have a sense of 'him' and 'me' as much as we do 'us'.
It seems like a silly school-girlish thing to say, but I miss him when we are apart. I occasionally text or e-mail him during a work day just to tell him so. I look forward to time together, and can't seem to get enough. After all these years we can still sit for hours and just talk, or simply be together and say nothing, but still be connecting.
Of course, the most amazing product of our years together is our children. Occasionally, we sit at the supper table, look at the chaos and ask each other "where did they all come from???", as it seems like only yesterday we were newlyweds, just exploring the concept of Mr. & Mrs., and here we are "mom" and "dad" to 4 children (one almost a teenager!)!!!
In retrospect, time has flown by. (Of course, in the hard times it surely didn't seem so). God has brought us through more than I could ever recount here. We owe everything to His amazing grace in our lives. As I reflect on all of it, my heart feels like it could nearly burst. I am thankful beyond words for my precious husband and best friend.
Appropriately, just in time to celebrate our anniversary, I was able to make this addition to our bedroom wall. It's a great way to sum up how I feel:
Aww - I got teary! Happy Anniversary! You are such a blessing as a couple!
you 2 make a cute cute couple. Happy 16th. Love you both. Sending a hug to both. Miss you 2.
Sorry I missed you're anniversary!I member you're wedding, and it was lovely! Hard to believe it was so long ago! Happy 16th - a few days late! I loved the pictures!
Happy Anniversary - I can't believe you're celebrating 16 years! Loved seeing all the pictures.
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