You know, I really hate whatever this thing is that everyone calls the 'holidays'. I have no idea what it means for others, but here's what I know... My family is constantly running off to do something that involves leaving me behind - Christmas shopping, open houses, attending some festive holiday function (which usually involves food - just to add insult to injury), or otherwise spreading 'holiday cheer'. Well, lemme tell ya, there ain't much cheer here in my crate! Sure, they feel bad, and I've noticed I've been getting more 'treats' lately (I have to admit, I do loooove those bacon-flavored ones) but I'm gettin' awfully bored behind these bars every day. I'm feelin' the need to 'express myself' - ya know - sorta 'make my mark' on the world - and I'm thinkin' I'll start with the blue leather recliner in the family room. And you want to know the worst part?? Katie feels the need to dress me up!!! Plaid scarves around my neck?!?!? Please!! Where is the dignity in that?? Sure, those chihuahuas next door are always decked out in the latest doggie fashions, but it's just not how I roll, ya know? (Those little yappers are a little freaky anyway, if you ask me. That's why I head for the hills whenever I see's not that I'm scared or anything mind you...they're just, well...freaky.) So anyway, if in the midst of all your holiday bustle a poor little yellow lab comes to mind, feel free to send some lovin' (or doggy biscuits) my way. Here's to you and yours...

Is that actually Maggie in the picture? If so, I'm getting concerned!
I think Jane needs a vaction up home to be with her second cousin Maggie. She's feeling those same feelings of being left alone. If they were together, maybe they wouldn't be so sad? Plus then I'd have one less "kid" to deal with in my house! :-)
love it!
Actually, Wanda, it is Maggie! But our friend happened to be here to take pics when she was in what we call 'crazy puppy mode' and Kate had tied this scarf thing on her, and she pretty much just wanted it off. But doesn't she look terribly vicious?!?! (She's really not...)
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