But, so far, we have taken a 'creek day', which the boys didn't find quite as thrilling as they had hoped...our creek was rather shallow and VERY buggy the day we were there. (And yes, Kate was there too...but she's the photographer...)
We still had a lovely and relaxing time along the creek bank on our blanket, as I read aloud to them all. We started and book about the famous Shoeless Joe Jackson and the 'Black Sox' scandal of 1919.
Along those lines, today we watched the movie "Eight Men Out".

(There's some less-than-desirable language in the film, but, unfortunately, as I have learned this year, it's nothing they aren't hearing their coaches yelling on an almost daily basis... Otherwise it's clean and a good, true story with a lesson.)
By the way, if you are local, maybe you'd be interested to know that tomorrow and Saturday Glick's Greenhouse in Oley is having a clearance sale, AND there's a daylily sale directly across the road at Manatawny Creek Farm (where they are giving away a free ice cream cone too!). AAAAAND...my family (along with my sister and her family) will be running a food stand to raise money for the upcoming mission trip to Kenya that Todd and Bryce will be going on in January!! So...come on out, get some great plants and a good lunch...and help support us!! (Shameless plug, I know...) :o)
Thanks for the tip about the nurseries tomorrow! We'll be heading to Weaver's and maybe we'll swing by there before heading back home!
I love a good fun summer plan! I'm excited to see ya'lls list! Maybe I can steal some ideas!
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