I guess we've been too busy getting to be a part of video-making with Dustin...like this one...
and hanging out at the little league fields with Phillies' star, Raul Ibanez....
OK, no really...Raul's son was playing in the same tournament as our sons, so we did get to see him there coaching. It was only the second game of his son's that he has EVER been able to make it to. While I'm sure there are many perks to being the family of a major league baseball player, it made me realized how very blessed I am to have a husband who isn't away all the time, and, as tight and killer as our schedule is, he is able to be thoroughly involved with our kids (and he makes many sacrifices for us to make it happen, too). I love that about him. (And I took the time to tell him so, because guys need to hear stuff like that.)
Anyway, I haven't been doing much blogging, obviously, and haven't really been following most of my favorite blogs either. And the funny thing that I noticed today, when I did sit down to peruse some of favs is how much I really do get inspiration from them! I have had zero drive to do anything around my house...until I looked at some blogs that made me remember what a fun and inviting place home can be. So, I'm really looking forward to baseball finishing up this week, and having time to both do fun stuff AND enjoy relaxing at good 'ol 'home-sweet-home'! Thanks my bloggy friends for some refreshed inspiration! :)

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