But, that's not to say that there hasn't been fun, fun, fun just filling my life!! Okay, well maybe it's not been that exciting...frankly, to say "fun, fun, fun!" would be a huge overstatement. It's been lots of baseball practices, laundry, baseball practices, running kids here there and everywhere, baseball practices, doctor appointments...oh, and more baseball. You're so jealous, I can tell.
However, there have been a few highlights...like our family getting to be part of some Dustin Tavella videos, taking in a kid-free Reading Phillies game with the hubby, and, last night, I got to have an alter-ego, Jezzika Gayle - who is a fashion icon with mob ties and a history of tax evasion and money laundering, to play the role of one of the suspects in my nieces's mystery birthday party. There's video...but I'm not sure I want it going public. Let's just say I was wearing zebra print and stilettos (that I could NOT walk in at all!!), and sounded like the 'ladies' from the old SNL skit, "Coffee Talk"...
I had to really work at getting the accent going, but once I had it, I think I pulled it off pretty well. Of course, once I stopped, it was gone and I couldn't even replicate it a few hours later! My character was the mother of the real culprit, "Bubba" the Rapper... I kept insisting that "he's such a good boy" and blamed his troubles on that bad influence dUSTINtAVELLA...I mean, after all - he is the one who got him wearing this 'grill' thing in the first place.
Flashing over to 'real life' for a minute...when Dustin texted to tell me he had gotten Bryce the grill, I was completely confused...I'm thinking "A grill?!?! Are we talking a George Foreman here or what?!?" I'm not that old, (really!), but still apparently not as hip as I would have liked to think! This is what we're talkin' about...
Yeah, that's my kid..."Bubba" the Rapper (at least, that was his character for the mystery last night). You can catch him, as well as my other cuties (and a small cameo of the hubby and myself, and some shots of my sis, bro-in-law and most adorable nieces - it was a family affair!) in this fun summer video of Dustin's called "We Got the Summer" (though, he's not wearing the grill in this one. It might appear in the future tho...just sayin'.) The Tavellas are great friends of ours, and we are all pulling for Dustin to get his 'big break' into the music industry. He's been plugging away, working hard, making connections and doing everything he can to best use the amazing talents God's given him...not to mention he's just an all-around great guy who I happen to think God can use in amazing ways to influence people's lives. (Of course, I'm biased knowing the impact he's had on my own boys...) Anyway, check out the video, and if you like it, help him out by sharing the link on your Facebook or blog, and by visiting the YouTube link, and clicking 'Like'!! (OK, commercial over...now just enjoy the fun!!!)
(And if you enjoyed that one, check this one out...I LOVE the dancing in it, so aside from the obvious reasons that the above one is my favorite, I'd have to say this one actually ties for my 'other favorite' - make sure you catch the end - it totally MAKES the video...at least in my opinion!)

1 comment:
Thank you. I feel much better now. And what a great bday party idea!!! Annnndddd, you already know how we feel about Dustin!!! I actually made my kids take a break from his Youtube videos for a while. Y to the O U, T to the U B Eeeeeeeeeeeee can get on your nerves after a while!!!
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