Twas The Night before Cliffmas and all through the Park, Roy Halladay, Roy Oswalt and Cole Hamels embark, on a new training session to start off the day and attempt to erase the memory of the black,orange and gray. The rest of the Phillies asleep in their beds, with visions of Championships playing in their heads. The Phanatic on his 4 wheeler and Charlie in his cap, looks down his line-up, and batting 5th there's a gap. When all of a sudden, arose such a chatter, ESPN was on the scene to see whats the matter! Away from the Rangers he flew like a flash! Flipped off the Yankees and told them to keep their cash! When what to our wondering eyes should appear!? A familiar face of a man who was just here! With a nasty curve ball and a fastball that's quick, an addition to a rotation that's already sick! The most powerful rotation that's ever been seen! The Big 3 is now 4, cause Cliffs back on the team! Now Halladay,Hamels,Oswalt and Lee! Victorino,Howard,Rollins and Utley! From the NLCS to the World Series we'll go! 100 win season? Ask Rollins he'll know! Cliff came to our team cause he said it felt right, Merry Cliffmas to All and to all a good night!

Oh my gosh that is so awesome!
I love that you reposted this! I am the original creator of this poem. Im glad you liked it :)
Mike Seydell
Mike, I really DID love it! It made my day, and I read it over and over to my kids the day I received it. LOL Way to go on your creativity...and thanks for sharing!!
Go Phils! :)
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