Thursday, September 4, 2008

my brother

So, as you may or may not have noticed, I changed my sidebar pic of myself. The reason for this (and the reason I'm doing a post about why I changed my picture) is because I've been thinking about it for days...since my sister mentioned that her hubby thought I should change it. He said I looked like I was 'scolding' in the other one, which I can totally see his point. (I don't love the new pic, but until I get something better - maybe at the shore! :o) - it'll have to do.)

All this simply to say, it made me realize how much I really value Joe's opinion. I was really surprised - and not at all offended - by the fact that he said actually voiced his opinion about the photo. Joe isn't one to necessarily throw out his opinions a lot. He's sort of a go-with-the-flow kind of guy, and is usually happy with whatever makes others happy. So when he has opinions on something, and voices them, I listen and value them, because I know he's not the type to just "blow a lot of hot air".

I never had brothers growing up, though I always wanted one. There was something very appealing to me about having a male that looked out for you. And I mean in a way that would be different than the way my husband takes care of me - because he surely does. But there's just something about a brother - a 'buddy' type relationship where he can be comfortable enough to tease you, but doesn't take kindly to someone else insulting you type of thing. I don't even really know how to explain it - but maybe if you had a brother (who you have a good relationship with) you'll understand what I mean. I would NEVER trade my sisters for the world, I'm just saying, a brother would have been nice too.

Anyway, all this rambling to say - I'm glad I've got a brother that looks out for me now. :o)


Holly said...

I totally get what you mean! I too am blessed with a wonderful brother in law! It's neat to have one sister and one brother! Really cool!

Also, I do like your new pic! You're just so lovely!

Bets said...

I just read your post when Joe was coming in for lunch - and yelled to him - "Hey Jessi blogged about you!". His response? "Why - because it's Thankful Thursday?" He's so

Bets said...

OH - and he really likes your new picture - he says it makes you look "relaxed and fun".

Jessi said...

I completely forgot about Thankful Thursday!

And yeah, well, that's totally me...'relaxed and fun' - all the time... :o)

Anonymous said...

i like the pic! and yes big brothers are awesome!!