Friday, June 27, 2008

where did the week go??

I completely forgot that yesterday was Thursday; it's been a whirlwind week that went by so fast!! The 3 older kids were at Grammy's all week to go to VBS at her church and Lukey was home with me. He was amazingly good and didn't mope around like last year; I think he actually really enjoyed all of mom and dad's undivided attention! Anyway, here it is Friday already! So here's my thankful list from yesterday.
  1. Bedroom painting done!
  2. Friends who helped me out with the painting and childcare
  3. Luke being so wonderfully well-beahaved by himself this week
  4. Several things on my summer t0-do list already crossed off
  5. Kate's portfolio done and ready for evaluation today
  6. My hubby's willing help getting ready for Bryce's 'boy-party' on Saturday (it's VERY belated sports birthday party that he's been wanting to do forever...but this was the first open weekend!!)
  7. Only one thing planned for the weekend (instead of about 10 like we usually have!)
  8. My kiddos all coming home (yeah, I missed 'em!)
  9. Summer evenings
  10. Being able to eat whatever I want again!!


Anonymous said...

i will pray for the weather too be good. Love you.

Laura said...

amen to being able to eat!!!