This is a picture of my evening. Yep...first of all - the shoe. I am so excited about finding possibly the world's most comfortable shoe!! It's American Eagle, cloth and
feels like wearing slippers and I found it at Payless for 15 bucks!!! (It's hard for me to find shoes that work for me because I wear
orthotics in my shoes because I have unusually high arches, and at one point I had tears in the muscle on the bottom of my foot from wearing shoes with no support. Was that T.M.I. for you?) Anyway, I've needed shoes for a while, and have been holding out hoping for something that would be cute and trendy, yet comfy, priced right and hopefully would work with my inserts. So tonight was the big payoff. It was 'family night' tonight, and so we spent it as 'the boys' and 'the girls'. Bryce just started Little League (that will be another post), and Seth will soon, so both boys were in need of, and
extremely excited to get, cleats and new gloves. (They and their father had all expressed, in inadvertent ways, that this was a manly activity, and I clearly saw the desire for male bonding time, as well as an opportunity for some mother/daughter shopping time!!) So we all headed to the mall and split up - Kate & I to the Kohl's clearance racks and the 'men' to Dick's Sporting Goods. We found some great deals in no time, did the cell-phone check-in with the guys and found we still had some time, so we made a bee-line to Payless. I found these little cuties in no time, a pair of great shoes for Kate for $5 (also a need after she finally gave in today and admitted her last beloved pair of shoes were too uncomfortable to wear anymore).
As you may also notice in the picture - laundry. It's all nicely folded; what you can't see is how MUCH clean laundry there was. I believe it to be 6 loads or so, but when baskets get combined because we need to wash yet ANOTHER load, one quickly loses count!! Anyway, tonight was the night of reckoning, and it had to be tackled. So, 2+ hours later, here I am.
And you know what tomorrow is...!?!?!?
yey!!! spring!!!
Kate's birthday?? Our girl's day out??? Thankful Thursday??? All of the above???
Oh - and my most comfy pair of heels - those cute black one with the strap, I got at Payless for $15 too, and they're also American Eagle!
In honor of that, I went shopping with my friend the other day & got 2 of the cutest pairs of jazzy flip-flops!! One pair is an apple green and the other is almost- turquoise blue. Of course, they were on sale! Got both pair for less than $13. The straps have sequins on them, and the inner sole, which is normally plastic or rubber, is suede, which makes it so much nicer for those of us who get "damp" (eeewwww) feet. They also have a little bit of a wedge heel which is great, since I'm not allowed to wear anything totally flat after tearing & having surgically repaired my Achilles tendon.
I've begun the really awful job of cleaning out my closet & drawers. Weight, as you know, has always been an issue for me, but for several years I managed to keep it at a fairly so-so number. Well, when that horrible thing happened with my back last year, my activity became almost zilch, and of course, I gained weight--probably about 20-25 pounds. How depressing! The good news is that after my trip to Kansas City for surgery on the rare booger inside my back, my activity level has gradually increased to almost normal. So, ok, by now all my old clothes are out of style. :-)
Right now, I have 5 LARGE bags of clothing to go to the charity place, AND 2 bags of shoes!! Can you imagine??!! LOL Naturally, I still have way more shoes than necessary. LOL I still have a couple more dresser drawers to go through, then I'll be done.
Have I inspired anyone????? LOL
Yippee for spring!!!!!!!!!!
I too love a good pair of shoes at a great price!! Is this a family thing or are we all just weird?!?! Anyway, usually I do all my seasonal shopping when we go to the beach - once in the spring and then once in the fall - since there are lots of great outlets at Myrtle! But since Robert and Amy have baby Reagan in the hospital it looks like the spring trip is out - oh well!
I will have the morning to myself tomorrow - thank God for good friends, so maybe shoe shopping is within my reach!!
I hope the sun is as shinny up home as it is here today!
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