Tomorrow we are having a Valentine party with my kids, my sister's kids and another friend and her 2 little ones. (Yep, that would be 10 kids - and all but one are 2nd grade and under!! Should be a crazy time!!) Anyway, we (by we I mean Betsy) are planning some fun games like Valentine picture bingo, a Hershey Kiss scavenger hunt, some fun crafts and red/pink foods like pink heart pancakes, strawberries, raspberries, pink milk or red juice, and cookies (what party would be complete without some heart cookies??)
If you are looking for some fun craft and party ideas, here's a few links to check out:
Disney Family Entertainment page
And you'll find a few fun Valentine songs to sing over at Preschool
Here's some pics of our Valentine fun last year:
that's very sweet that you go to such lengths for your kiddos and your hubby. I'm provoked! :)
What a great idea...especially for your boys! It ingrains in them early on that Valentines is something special, so when it comes to appropriately romancing a young lady, they'll have it down pat! And Kate will already know what she should expect, and accept nothing less!!
I'm so impressed with you and so proud of your committment in how you are raising your children! God will honor all of that!!
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