Wednesday, March 21, 2007

enjoy today

God has been revealing a lot of things to me about myself lately. I must say, most of them are not pretty. But one thing that I've tried to keep very present in my mind throughout the day-to-day 'stuff' is that I need to learn to enjoy where I'm at. See, I'm the type of person who always wants to get to the 'next' thing. I couldn't wait to get married, have babies, buy a house, etc., etc. And often, I now realize, I missed out on fully enjoying where I was at at the time. Don't misunderstand, I don't have a lot 'regrets' per se; I don't wish I was single longer, or waited longer to have kids...but often I didn't experience the full joy I could have in my situation. I always thought that whatever 'problem' my situation presented would go away when 'whatever' changed. But I'm learning that the 'next' thing always has its own set of problems. It dawned on me a few months ago - what if I'm at the end of my 'nexts'?? I'm not having any more babies (unless God decides on a miracle...), I don't know if we'll ever move again...and there's a lot of years until my kids graduate! It seemed all of a sudden like all there was in the near future was a lot of the daily grind. Then I realized - the daily grind is called LIFE!! And I want to enjoy it! Kaitlyn turned 11 yesterday, and I can't believe it! Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that Luke was born - and now he's talking, running, trying desperately to play football with his big brothers. My baby isn't very 'baby-ish' any more. But they are so much fun (well, a lot of the time, anyway) and I'm beginning to realize that all too quickly these days will be gone. I'm such a 'mover' (always wanting to move to the next thing) that I realize, I spend all week looking forward to the weekend. I've bemoaned so often my 'want' for a building for Koinonia House that I haven't taken the time to fully appreciate that someone is sharing their building with us for free!! Without that generosity, I don't know where we'd be right now. What a blessing! And I could very easily have missed it. But thankfully, God has chosen to grab hold of me and say "Slow down girl! Enjoy today!!" I'm not always successful at enjoying every day, but I am trying to focus on the good - find at least ONE thing in what may have been a really crappy day, and be thankful for it, remember it, ponder it - ENJOY it!!

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