Wednesday, December 28, 2011

inching my way back...

Well, hello stranger! Or maybe you're no stranger, but in any case...long time, no see!

As you may have noticed, I took a bit of a leave of absence from blogging...only partially because the holidays commandeered my life and held me hostage...but also, choice.  I didn't really intend to leave until December, but the end of November got so very busy that before I knew it, it was December, at which point I did, by choice, vacate Blogland.  Of course, like everyone, I had tons to do, and on top of all the usual Christmas hullabaloo, our family wrestled several rounds with various sicknesses, including the dreaded stomach bug...the worst of all kinds, in my opinion.

I also left partially because I made a conscious choice that I couldn't really handle all of the idealism of the gorgeous homes and over-the-top creativity and wonderful magazine-style Christmases that I knew I'd encounter on some (even most) of the blogs I frequent.  I was feeling enough real-life pressure, and just decided to eliminate the mental torture I'd inevitably put myself through, comparing myself, and unquestionably coming up short. 

It was a particularly rough season, so, I gave myself permission to check out. 

I even gave myself permission to not try to come back until I felt some 'inspiration'. 

And today...about halfway between Christmas and New Year's...I felt like I began to breath again.  I'm having glimpses of motivation.  It hasn't quite arrived yet...but I think it's coming...

We'll see...

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