Tuesday, November 22, 2011

30 Days of Thanks - 22

Today I woke up with a sore throat, burning sinuses, achiness and a general feeling that, say, if I pushed on my left eye I could explode my entire head.  Thus I am very, VERY thankful for children being big enough to get up and occupy themselves.  The oldest had school, and was graciously letting me sleep in anyway, (since she is more than capable of getting herself ready and out the door...) and the boys all just sort of did their own thing, included tending the dog.  I've been up for a half an hour and have only moved from the bed to the couch.  I'm also thankful that it's an 'off' day, that I can actually spend most of resting (with only a little bit of running around) and hoping to be better by tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner prep day, and of course, the actual day of celebrating food Thankfulness.  Oh, and thankful for various cold remedies which I now plan to employ.  :)

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