Thursday, November 10, 2011

30 Days of Thanks - 8, 9 and 10!!

Wow...have I ever fallen off the Thankful Bandwagon!!  Well...not really.  I've actually been thinking about the things I'm thankful for...I've just been too crazy flying around to sit down and blog them.  But here I am.  Better late than never...and yes, that is one of my life mottos.

So...three things to make up for the three days...

I'm thankful that I've got some really great friends.  Friends who will tell it to me straight.  Like when last night, at small group, I said "I think I'm doing pretty good with ..." and they said "'re not."  That's what I like gals...keep it up.  ;o)

Secondly, I'm thankful for the way God has provided Christians teachers and friends for my boys attending public school.  Without getting into a whole long post about it...I used to be torn, when we made the switch from homeschooling to public school, about the influences that my kids would daily be under.  I got really wigged out thinking of Bryce's transition to middle school.  And the battles we might encounter.  I've heard stories.  But so far, we have discovered that his principal is a Christian and an awesome guy, and his music teacher it too, who he actually spends quite a lot of time with, since he is participating in 3 different choruses and now got a fairly big role in the school's musical.  Which, last night I was afraid we might have a conflict about, when we heard that in January they'd be practicing daily, and if a kid missed 2 practices they were out of the cast.  And Bryce is going on a mission trip with his dad (a first for them both) in January, and will be missing 6 school days.  Uh-oh.  I immediately emailed the teacher, and explained the circumstance.  I had a response from her in less than five minutes expressing her absolute excitement for Bryce to have such an opportunity at his age, and sharing with me her 2 sons own mission trips.  She was more than accommodating, and offered to take extra time to work with Bryce during lunch, one on one, to help him make up anything he missed.  God is faithful!!

Lastly, I'm thankful for the many ways that God communicates with us.  This week I've heard his voice in the words of friends, an encouraging email (which was actually an ad for a new book, but it spoke directly to some questions that have been rattling in my head and heart), and the Bible study session we watched this week.  God has no shortage of ways to get his message's just that so often, I'm not paying attention to notice!  This week, I think he's been trying to speak particularly loudly...  :o)

1 comment:

Laura said...

good post.
fyi- you should ALWAYS link your blog posts to facebook.