Friday, November 4, 2011

30 Days of Thanks -4

Today I'm thankful for each of my children and their wonderfully individual personalities and giftings.  I know I've talked about this before, but since I'm being thankful, there's no way I could not mention them.

Every time I get to shop or watch a sappy movie, or giggle about 'girly' stuff with Kate, I'm so thankful for her, my only daughter.  Shopping with her for dresses for formals and parties has been both fun and exciting and heart wrenching...because my little girl who spent hours...days...weeks on end, really, playing Anne of Green Gables and Little House on the Prairie is getting all grown up...(and turning into quite a beauty, much to her Daddy's dismay...).

Last night Bryce had a bad migraine episode.  This morning he woke a few minutes before me, and my alarm was already going, so he came in to wake me.  He asked if I had a headache.  I said no, that I was just tired.  He said "Did I keep you up late with my headache?"  (He had no concept of was only around 8:00).  I assured him he did not, and yet he still followed up with a "Thank you for taking care of me and rubbing my back and head."  While we so often see the competitive athlete, or the performer sides of him, I love getting to see his tender side too.

Seth is always so snuggly and caring and compassionate, it's actually a rare thing for me to ever get very upset with him.  When he does have a bad attitude or is nasty, it's always an easy indicator that something is 'off' with him, because it's so out of character.   He is so smart, and yet patient in explaining, even this morning when he was trying to discuss wind turbines or how bar codes work with me.  I'm really glad he doesn't roll his eyes and say, never mind mom...  (How sad is that...already my 4th grader has to 'bring things down to a level mom can understand...'!!  Agh!)  ;)

Luke is emerging to not only be smart as a whip, but really funny too.  And, of course, he'll always be my 'baby'...though Todd has put his foot down and insisted I stop telling him that.  For good reason, I get it...but I still THINK it!!  :)  I so enjoy sitting and listening to him read to me, with such expression that I am amazed he is only in first grade, and think, in no time, Seth will be able to have a real intellectual conversation with someone who is able to match his brain power (of course, he can do that now with his father...).  He's the only kid I know who is so obsessed with punctuation...apostrophes and commas in particular...and has begun writing his own book, which he informed me is non-fiction.

Look, there are plenty of days where my kids drive me batty.  I don't hesitate to be honest about that.  But overall, (and the more I see other kids!) I think I have some pretty awesome kiddos, and I thank God for entrusting them to me for a while!!!  And now, I will continue asking for the grace to not totally screw them up!!  :)

1 comment:

Zoanna said...

Aww, what a sweet and thoughtful tribute. Your kids are a good-looking quartet. And, BTW, I really "get" that thing about a 4th grader dumbing it down for mom. ;)