Saturday, September 17, 2011


Well, life has been zooming along at a dizzying pace, and while I've oft thought about returning to blogging, I actually felt a bit overwhelmed about where to start and how to jump back in.  And occasionally I've had bouts with, "what does it matter" and "no one cares anyway" thoughts....and while they may or may not be true, as I've said before, this is a good way for me to process things sometimes, for my very own self, so here I am. 

I still don't know exactly where to begin...since I last posted there's been vacation, first days of school, a possible new building for our church, signing a lease agreement for said building (SO exciting), and now a possibility in the works of a move for our family.  Oh, and I can't forget the chalkboard door project.  So...yeah, like I said...zooming by.  But here I am.  And since I'll be doing lots of stuff around the house, and marveling about all the stuff God is doing, I think I'll have a few things to share...more coming...just as soon as I can wrap my brain around it all and make some semblance of order of my thoughts!!


Julie said...

Yay! So glad to have you back! I want to hear all about the possibility of moving...

Angela said...

I missed you too!!!

Holly said...

Glad to see you back!