Friday, April 9, 2010

friday funny

I happened upon the below picture on another blog. It is used in a special education classroom. I found it to be quite profound, and thought it might be useful for every mother of boys. Or men in general, for that matter!! Heeheehee
(If it's too small for you to read, click on the picture to enlarge it.)


Julie said...

LOVE IT!!!!! I need to print it out and tape it all over my house for one of my boys.... I may even use it on my blog! So funny! Well, funny, except for the fact that I actually could use it!

zz said...

Made my day! I like "This is not a good choice." :)

Holly said...

That's so funny!!!

Cheryl K said...

This is great! I have a boy in my classroom who needs this before his eyes 24/7.