Saturday, July 19, 2008

passionfest '08

We had an awesome day today at PassionFest...though it was STINKIN' HOT!!! We took and drank plenty of Gatorade, got to see lots of friends, enjoyed the Extreme Sports and the music. I was so proud of my kids, who volunteered - Kate and Bryce spent from 2:45-6 p.m. running one of the games in the KidsZone. They missed all the stunt riders and the first band, but were never such happy workers! They were friendly and helpful to the kids who came to play, and apparently didn't even fight over the fact that they actually had to work TOGETHER.

It was great to see people from churches all over the area and the community (both Christian and non-Christian alike) for a day of fun, connecting and sharing the good news that Jesus came to love and save.

Here's a few pics from today.


Laura said...

it was a good day :)

Anonymous said...

hahah your kids were so cute with their hair all like Dustin's! It was a fun day!