OK, after getting some sleep, reading some comments and thinking more about the rants I went on last night, I was thinking maybe I should clarify. I guess anything that will help protect girls - be it educational or medicinal is a good thing. I just hope that parents look into both the risks and the benefits of using a vaccine such as this, especially on such young girls.
Between dealing with insurance, hearing about the court rulings against parents' rights to homeschool in California, considering the presidential nominees, and weighing our options for schooling next year, I'm not in a good mood about such things, so I guess my tangent may have been a bit over the top.
Sorry if I offended anyone.
In my estimation, you were not over the top. It's a scary world out there & it does seem like everything is working against the conservative viewpoint!
In buying the facial care/cosmetics that I do, as a free gift I received a subscription to the "fashion" magazine, MARIE CLAIRE. This is a very liberal magazine & certainly not one I would ever spend money on. A couple months ago there was an article in that magazine written by a 29+ year old woman who had opted to get the Gardasil vaccine. However, since the upper age recommendation is 26 (or something like that), this woman met all sorts of obstacles. In fact, her OB/GYN wouldn't prescribe it for ANY of her patient's because of the side effects. The writer of the article did finagle a prescription for it (the physician would not stock it in her office) and she had to go to the pharmacy to get it filled on her own, then return to the OB/GYN office to receive the injections--it's apparently a series of 3 injections. If physicians are so hesitant to provide the vaccine, it makes me wonder exactly how safe and how effective it really is?!
As Kate heads into her teen years & meets peer pressure head on, know that I am backing you up in prayer. I've traveled that Mom road myself, and it's not an easy one and sometimes it takes detours that you never expect. I still think that God honors the effort.
Love y'all!
I'm sorry that you felt you had to apologize Jess. I don't think that you need to justify something that you have every right to feel strongly about, after all, this is YOUR blog, people can choose to not read if they disagree. Don't back down, my feminine friend!
I thought your posts were just fine, I completely agree with you. I am sorry if a few comments made you feel like you had to issue this morning's (last night's?) post.
no apology needed! I hope you didn't read my comment as critizism either- I was just pointing out an obstical we deal with when we talk about the whole "safe sex" vs "sex only in marriage". Its just frustrating to me that (apparently) abstinence only education is less than effective. But that isn't YOUR fault, lol, and I think "safe sex" targeted at pre-teens and teens only shows them that we don't expect them to keep their pants on...
all that to say that I was just throwing out an argument the other side uses to inspire thought, not to make you feel that YOU were off the wall.
feelings about vaccinations aside-the whole guardasil issue is disturbing. And it's not naïveté on your part to think the way you do.
I get so fired up watching those commercials too, if for no other reason than they are deceiving. With no additional knowledge, young women are simply frightened into it without the opportunity to think about the real issue.
Some days, my heart is overwhelmed with all that we have to wade through as parents.
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