Friday, February 8, 2008

shameless sales pitch

I'm not really big into having home demonstration parties; I used to be, but I guess the busy-ness of life and kids sort of just made it one extra hassle that I didn't need. But when my sis and I started looking at the stuff from Home & Garden Party online, we decided there were a few things that we'd really like for our homes.

So guess what...I'm having a party.

Yep, if you are interested in getting a few new things to spruce up your home, check out Home & Garden Party online and then let me know, and I'd be more than happy to order it for you (and of course I'll get credit toward what I want...I'm not too proud to say it!). Here's what I'm working towards (and yes, earning it is the only way I'll get it because there's NO WAY I'd spend almost $200 for a home decor item for my bedroom!)

Here are a few of my other favorites:
Yummy jar candles (fantastic scents...creme brulee, vanilla spice, hot cinnamon bun and butter crunch are a few that I plan on getting!) that burn great (approx. 50 hours!), and these cool topper things help them burn even better and look cuter too! AND THIS MONTH THEY'RE ON SALE FOR LESS THAN $5!!! (All the candles are 30% off in February)

These would do quite nicely in my bedroom as well...

And these would be perfect in my mom's new kitchen (housewarming gift??)...
Anyway, all that to say...if you are in need of any gifts or a special treat for yourself, you should definitely check out Home & Garden Party - and let me know if I can help! ;)


Bets said...

Any idea when this party is going to be????

Jessi said...

Feb 25th...sorry, thought I had told ya...guess not! (That's a Monday, right?)