Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday

  1. Getting back into a routine after the holidays
  2. My kids growing up (being able to play together and not having to be watched every single minute...)
  3. My kids still being little (wanting to climb on my lap to hear a story, snuggle in bed before we get up)
  4. My washer/dryer (I talked to a few people this past week whose broke! What a nightmare that would be in my house!)
  5. Cars that work and really haven't had many problems in the years we've had them
  6. Friends that will be honest with me - even about stuff they know I don't want to hear
  7. Both the people that gave us huge scares with some serious medical problems just before Christmas are both finally home and on the mend
  8. My husband's strong character and wisdom
  9. Healthy kids
  10. God's patience with me

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