Saturday, January 12, 2008

survey says...

I'm taking a poll here...

As readers of this blog, do you prefer that I do or do NOT have the automatic music feature. I was putting together a compilation of some of my favorite music, and the thought did occur to me that someone might prefer NOT to have music start playing the minute they hit this site... Like for example if you are surfing the net while having a sleeping child next to you or something...

So let me hear from YOU!! Keep the music? Or embrace the silence?

(Don't forget, you can comment anonymously if you're too chicken to own up to your opinion!)

Just kidding about that...

And, oh, yeah...if I don't hear any feedback I'll just do whatever the heck I please! :)


Anonymous said...

you should do music.Jimmy DeWan

Briana Almengor said...

i usually read through my bloglines so I don't hear the music typically unless i come to comment.

Anonymous said...

I say do what suits you.... that's why I have a volume button.


Anonymous said...

I generally prefer not to hear it because I can't concentrate as well on the post, and also because if I'm not expecting music to come on, it startles me. When I go back to revisit the blog and find the same music, I usually turn the music off. I won't stop reading your blog if you put music on it, though, I"m not THAT opposed.

Zoanna said...

BTW, what did you guys decide about getting a dog?

Laura said...

i like music... i can always turn it down or off.

Jessi said...

Thanks for the feedback folks. Seems like the majority of people don't mind too much... sorry Zo, if you show up here one day and it startles you!

As for the official decision has been reached yet...