Hi from cool, but sunny, Ocean City, NJ. We are on vacation right now, so I haven't had much opportunity to post. We have a weak/intermittent internet connection here, so I'm not sure if I'll even make it through this post. But I wanted to give a quick update...
Our prayer/healing service last Thursday night was so cool. We just worshiped, our guest speaker, Jonathan Kuisch, from Suriname, shared his testimony and prayed for people for healing. It was a completely laid-back time (so opposite of all the hyped-up 'showy' stuff that really wigs me out...)and several people were healed instantly of things such as asthma and hearing loss. The pastor of the brethren church where we meet was prayed for for a ringing in his one ear that has been accompanied by diminished hearing and was healed that night. My 3 month old niece was prayed for for a belly-button hernia, and by the time they got home it had shrunken to half the size. God is so good.
I spent the day Friday packing and getting ready for vacation. It went amazingly well, and I was basically pulled together enough by late afternoon to have dinner with a friend. We actually left pretty much on time on Saturday (about 1/2 and hour later than we were shooting for, but still got to the place at the exact check-in time)and there was no fighting or arguing involved in any of the vacation preparation! I think this might be a first for our family. Our time has been fun and relaxing, and, while I thought I'd want to do a lot of blogging, I think it's somewhat of a blessing not having a good internet connection. The break is nice and forces me to do things I normally wouldn't - like read, snooze, play games with the kids or sit and do nothing at all!!
So far we've hung out on the beach, did the boardwalk on Sunday night (man, it was COLD!!!), watched Pride & Prejudice with Kate while the boys napped, last night had family game night, and today we went to the Atlantic City aquarium. Fun stuff!!
So, I know I'll have lots to share, including some good pics, but it might not be til after we get home on Saturday, depending how things go!
Love and hugs to those of you I'm normally in contact with; hope you're having a good week.
cant wait to hear all about it. Praying for you guys. Jimmy DeWan
Makes me long for a healing service like that. Sometimes churches (even charismatic ones) don't put enough emphasis on healing , probably because of the whack jobs of olden days (and teletypes).
I miss you! Glad you're having fun. And Aquarium is a great field trip - yeah teacher! Love you.
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