Monday, June 4, 2007

an itch that won't quit

I've developed a mysterious red rash over parts of the left side of my body. We are going through some rather stressful situations at the moment, and it seems that whenever we start talking about 'those' topics, I begin to itch like crazy!! I think it's just heat rash (prickly heat), but am beginning to wonder if it's something stress related. I wish I could stay calm and cool and see if I can get rid of this thing!!!


Zoanna said...

ARe you pregnant? I've heard of pregnancy rashes. If not, have you used Benadryl to stop the itching, or a ydrocortisone cream? I'm itching as I write this. But not itching to know your "prickly heated" topics. Praying all will be resolved soon.

Jessi said...

No, I'm not pregnant - we do have a merciful God!! hehe I tried some Caladryl on's helped some, so I guess I'll keep trying that for a while...

Anonymous said...

u know what, i also get a rash when i am stressed out, really stressed out. the rash only appears on my feet and hands though. when i first got it i went to the doc and i saw a "know it all" nurse. she insisted that i was allergic to nail polish...which made me sad bc i love nail polish. so for 1 long year...until the rash appeared again...i didn't wear nail polish. but guess what...i, doc osiris, realized that i am not allergic to nail polish, i just get it when i'm really stressed!