Wednesday, May 30, 2007

the grass is always greener...

I didn't post last night because my exhaustion overcame me. I had one of those 'feels-great-to-be-so-productive!' days, and now this morning I'm having one of those 'I'm-so-sore-I-can-barely-move' days! Besides the usual stuff...laundry, sweeping, cleaning the bathroom, the kitchen (which means sorting our always growing pile of mail & other misc 'stuff' that accumulates on our kitchen bar), shaving the boys heads (summer has officially arrived!) - I decided to also help out my husband, who has been working a LOT between his 2 jobs, by mowing the lawn. I should mention something at this point...I've NEVER mowed in my life...wasn't even entirely sure how to start the mower. But I got it going and off I went - to do the whole, hilly, 1/2 acre! (This is a push mower - not self-propelled even). Til the end I thought I might die, but, I am happy to report, I did not. As I was mowing I felt really good about it, thinking "I think this is an aspect of being a 'helpmeet' - a helper 'suitable'. I'm capable to do what needs to be done to share the load." Even though I'd never mowed, I think there was extra grace on me yesterday to be able to do that to help my overloaded husband, and it felt good. Well, not physically good, but knowing I was relieving him of approximately 3 hours of work was great. (For those of you that mow regularly, you're probably wondering 'what's the big deal?' But for me, it's big.) And I have new appreciation for Todd's weekly (sometimes bi-weekly) task, and TOTALLY support him finding a used riding mower!! :o)


Deana said...

we don't have a lawn to mow not miss that chore! but i do like to carry some of my husband's load. makes me feel like a helpful partner!

Zoanna said...

Funny, I too, had an extra large does of energy to serve Paul this week (hubby helper hormones??) and I TOO mowed the lawn. I've only done it maybe ten times in 9 years and only when I felt like it. We have a 1/2 acre hilly yard (well, it's probably not that much cuz we have woods). But what's funny is that our mower is self-propelled and yet I didn't realize the bar I had to squeeze to make it pull the hill! Paul came home to find me mowing , which I think made him happy, and he's yelling over the noise of the mowever something about "pull the other bar! the OTHER BAR!" . I did, and EUREKA! NO MORE PUSSHING it up a 45 degree hill!!