Friday, April 6, 2007

Easter morning

As I have been reflecting on Easter and the days leading up to it, I've been truly bummed that we don't have Celebration service in the morning. (Because we don't have a building, there's another church here in town that graciously lets us use their buildings for our service on Sunday evenings.) In someways, it's great...we do get to sleep in on Sunday mornings for instance. But this one time in particular, I so wish we met in the morning. There is just something about getting up on Easter morning and worshiping your heart out! I mean, I love worshiping, in general, but on Easter my heart just feels like it wants to burst with gratitude, awe, and victorious joy! As Todd & I talked about it, I expressed to him that I don't just feel this way because of's more than that. It's sort of like an emotional release that I feel, knowing that, after reflecting on Jesus' suffering leading up to Sunday, He TRIUMPHED! I understand and choose to reflect on the cost, but even more so, I love remembering that because of His resurrection, because of His victory, I am able to walk in victory!

I think maybe I'll have my own Easter morning service at the piano...

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