Anyway, I wanted to take just a minute to share with you the beautiful time we had last night at our "Kids & Coffee" night at church. Our original goal with it was to try and have an 'interactive' service that focused more purposefully on integrating the large percentage of kids we have into our corporate Celebration service. However, over time it sort of dwindled into just a longer 'kids church' time, separate from the adults. But last night, we decided to make it a 'giving thanks' focus and keep everyone together. I had asked everyone in advance to come prepared to share something - be it simply something they were thankful for, a verse, a poem, a testimony - whatever. And we planned to intermix it with worship songs. I was a little nervous, not knowing if everyone really liked the idea or not, but I was so thrilled when so many people stepped up and contributed. It felt like a real 'family time', as people shared very heartfelt and emotional things that they were thankful for or that God had brought them through this year. Some people shared stories, songs and prayed over the whole group. The kids participated by reading a verse, reciting a poem, and generally sharing their thoughts about thankfulness.
My heart just swelled with joy as I looked over what was happening and felt fully revived in knowing that I was seeing a huge part of our vision of what we want Koinonia House to happening - finally happening - right before my eyes! I looked out and saw new faces, being included, embraced and participating. I saw people who had been gone for a while returning. I saw adults, kids, marrieds, singles, teens and toddlers together - all being part of what was going on. I can't even tell you how much I am filled with hope, and how this passage from Philippians 1 just rings within me today:
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Too my knowledge, the "flying around in a mitten" thing came from your GReat aunt Becky.
it was a great night. thanks for setting it all up :)
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