It seems the rest of our school supplies have finally arrived, and as we've been 'flying by the seat of our pants' with the new cyber-school thing thus far, it's now officially time for me to get organized and do this right. I actually have my teacher manuals now, so I can understand what and how exactly that I am to be doing things. So, I am spending the afternoon, and probably part or most of the evening, organizing my books & supplies as well as reading manuals. (I absolutely cannot stand the clutter a minute longer!!) I know this sounds like an incredibly good time to you all, but I'm sorry, I just cannot invite you to join me. I want the pleasure of this all to myself...I'm selfish like that. So, whatever it is you have planned for tonight, try not to think of me and my manuals because you might be overcome with jealousy!

I hate I had to miss helping you get organized in order to go out to dinner at The Melting Pot for my anniversary! I hope you made it thru and had more fun than me!!
Ah, the familiarity of this scene!
BTW, I answered your question about 'is jr high too late to reform poor spellers" after your comment. Though your current method may be tear-free, I am wondering if the longterm results will show. I personally think taking a year on that gamble isn't wise at this late date.
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