Just wanted to give a shout-out to all the fabulous mom's out there to say Happy Mother's Day. For every time you put your own needs last... went with out sleep... cried your heart out over your child's wrong choices... sat through the cold, wind and dark of night to watch your little athlete play his heart out (even though they lost)... every recital you endured and then applauded wildly...those times that you disciplined because you knew it was the best even though you really didn't want to... wiped a nose, a butt, a tear...worked on spelling lists, math problems and signed a million and one forms and permissions slips...babysat the grandkids to give mommy and daddy a night out...left that kiddo pick out their own outfit even though you were mortified by the stripe/polka dot/cowboy boot combo...became a taxi driver without pay...gave grace where none was deserved...
For every little thing that adds up to a whole lot of love...
Thank you. You have impacted a life, and made the world a better place.
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