Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

It's gonna be a crazy day around here today...trying to get all the last minute stuff done... I was up til 1:45 a.m. last night (this morning??) doing most of my gift wrapping; we got one batch of cookies made. Today I need to make soup for our dinner tonight, finish wrapping, bake some more cookies, and run out for a last minute gift (that should be fun, I'm sure!). I'm trying to maintain a good attitude, and figure whatever doesn't get done, just doesn't. I didn't even get the last of my Christmas cards I figure if they come between Christmas and New Year's they are still at least 'holiday' cards, right?? :/

I really envy people who are organized and on the ball...

(However, the wedding flowers we put together yesterday for today's Christmas Eve wedding turned out really well!! Does that count for anything??)

So are you flying around like me, or relaxing, enjoying the anticipation of Christmas Eve and relishing the fact that you got things done early?

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