Thursday, June 12, 2008


1. My 'summer solitude' spot, under the shade tree, by the flower garden, listening to the gurgle of the fountain...

2. Good books (which I read in aforementioned spot. Read book 1 in about 3 days; now on to book2!!)

3. Clean sheets, fresh off the line...

4. Cool breezes
5. Good kids
6. Setting up the pool! (Well, seems it may have a hole, though...)

7. Having a great surprise for my hubby's b-day next month
8. A daughter with a heart to serve
9. A quiet neighborhood
10. The color green...just love it... (I'm currently picking paint colors for my bedroom...)


Laura said...

I like Thankful Thursday complete with pictures...

Holly said...

I love the pictures Jess, thanks for sharing them!

I've been gone and haven't been keeping up with the blog, so thanks for the TT stuff and for sharing not only from Bryce's heart, but obviously yours as well. I was moved to tears to hear you're young son's concerns for a fellow teammate. It’s evident that you’ve taught him that there is more to playing the game than just winning and he’s been touched by the life of a young man who was allowed to “be one of the guys!” God is so cool isn’t He?!!?

It makes me thankful for the grace and mercy of the Lord in our kids lives. I too feel like sometimes I’m not getting thru to my little ones – but I take heart in seeing Him move in yours and know he will in mine too!