Do you hear what I hear...??? No, it's not it's not the "night wind to the little lamb"'s the sound of birds chirping and kids playing
outdoors (what could be better than that?)! And it definitely means that we are bidding our (hopefully) final farewell to winter and the winter blahs. Believe it or not, it's actually easier for me to get up in the morning when I heard birds chirping outside my window...I don't really know why, other than it lets me know that others are already up and out there and the day has begun (even if they are just birds). Don't get me wrong...I'm not necessarily a bird-lover - I don't bird watch, and I'd NEVER have one as a pet, but I like them around, maybe just because it means they are returning from their winter migration and bringing with them warmth!!
Do you have any favorite 'sounds of the season'? (And I don't mean Christmas music either!!)
This will be our final March drawing, but I will have to announce the winner on Monday morning next week, because I will be heading to a conference Monday afternoon, and I'm not sure if I will have time/internet access to blog from there. So make sure you get your entries in by Sunday night, OK? Thanks!
well i have to agree- the bird chirping is wonderful... and I can't really think of much else associated with spring. I'm sure others will have more unique ideas.
here's to one last chance of winnning!!
I also love the sound of the birds chirping also. I like it when there is more than one. Jimmy DeWan
We have several bird feeders outside our kitchen windows and they attract such a lovely array of birds. I'm even learning what some of the birds sound like--particularly the cardinals.
However, the bird that really catches my ear is the hummingbird!! They seem to hover in front of the house, where we always place their feeders, and call to us to let us know they've returned! As soon as I hear them, we hurriedly put out their feeders. I love listening to them chatter & fuss at each other--it's quite an evening of entertainment when there are 4 or more hummingbirds here!
The BEST sound of spring, though, is hearing all the neighbors running their lawn mowers! Go figure.
My favorite sound of spring is neighborhood children playing. I just love that! Not only does it make me want to take Luke out to play, but it brings back happy memories of playing with my sister when we were small. It warms my heart to hear laughter and joy from kids playing happily and loudly - especially outside! (Outside is the key here since when I was young my beloved Aunt Carol never liked loud games in the house! :-))
As for birds, they are lovely here at the new house, but the one bird I don't miss that we had visit us often at our old house was a woodpecker! That's not the most pleasant way to wake up!
Well, I guess I have to say the quiet! When it's warm enough to send the girls outside to play, and I can just barely hear their happy voices from a distance as I get things accomplished inside my house without interruption....that's a beautiful thing. And when it's really still in the spring evening, I can even hear the water fall in the pasture across the road - I love the sound of water!
I love the sound of rain. Not snow, not sleet, real rain. My kids and I love to go to the edge of the driveway, take sticks or leaves, and race them in the running rain water. I also encourage them to take off their shoes/sandals, and to play in the mud, get dirty.
It's blessed fun to have the warm rain pittering on the windows, because we all know it's time for us to go outside and be kids!
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