Sunday, March 2, 2008

giveaway guidelines

Well, I've given my idea of a giveaway lots of thought. I wanted to do something fun and exciting, that was, in some way, tied to 'Spring'. When I think of Spring I associate an awakening of the senses, so, along those lines, I decided to do a small give away weekly. Since there are 5 senses, and 5 Mondays in March, I will announce the winner every Monday evening (what could be better to brighten up your Monday?!?!). I know the first one here is a bit of short notice, (I'll be announcing the winner tomorrow)but, hey, I'm giving something away every week for 5 just look at it as having a better shot of winning this first one if you do get in on it, and if not...maybe you'll be the blessed winner (I don't believe in 'luck') next week!!

Here's how it will work:

  1. You must leave a comment, answering whatever spring-related question is asked on the 'entry post', in order to get your name in the contest. (Please keep entries in the comments of the entry post only; for example, I will normally post the question on Tuesday morning and will leave the drawing open until Monday at 5 p.m. and announce the winner Monday evening (after 5). If you log onto the blog on a Thursday and want to enter, please go back to the actual post from Tuesday morning and enter your comment there, so all entries are in one place.)
  2. Winners will be drawn randomly - not by best entry or answer - by a random integer generator online that I will use. This will keep it completely random, and totally fair.
  3. If you win once, you will not be eligible to win again.
  4. Each week I will only reveal the 'sense' for that week in the entry post...not the prize. The prize will be announced at the same time on Monday that the winner is announced. (The reason for this is simply that I will probably need the extra time to do some hunting for good deals on the prizes and may not have them yet at the time of the entry post; the prize will be determined before the winner, just so you are assured that I will not be choosing the prize based on the winner. I have no way to 'prove' this, other than you'll just have to trust me! And besides - it's FREE stuff anyway!)
  5. Prizes will only be able to be shipped to locations within the continental US. (If you live abroad, you are welcome to enter and ship the prize to someone else!)
As I said, I know the first one is short notice, so I guess the advantage here goes to all my 'regular' readers. My next post (in a few minutes) will be the official entry post with a question for you to answer. Remember, all entries must be in before 5 p.m. tomorrow!! Then watch for the next contest to begin on Tuesday morning!

I'm so excited about this...I'm really looking forward to blessing people with some fun prizes! I hope you enjoy!!

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