Sunday, February 3, 2008

Superbowl XLII

I am amazed that of all the blogs that I regularly read, not one mentioned anything about the Superbowl. No talk of parties, food, teams...nothing! (With maybe the exception of one, in passing, but not the main point of the post). I'm not really into football, but having 3 boys has caused me to be somewhat more aware of the what's going on in the NFL world. Like this year, I actually knew the teams that were playing, and that (up til tonight) the Patriots were undefeated. My guys didn't care too much about tonight's game because the Eagles weren't playing...(we all still wore our Eagles shirts anyway).

For me, though, Superbowl is about tradition. We've done the same thing almost every year for about the past 11 years or so. We did something different once or twice, but to me, it's just one of those traditions I like to keep. This year it felt especially important to me because I think I'm going through an "insecure phase", so I'm all about things that are familiar right now. We got together with old friends, talked loud, ate delicious food, and embarrassed ourselves playing "Track Bowl" at half-time. Our friends go all out for this party every year including dividing everyone into 3 teams, complete with 'sponsors', (we all wear a t-shirt with our team sponsor on it - that were found for some great steal of a price sometime during the year... this year my team was Green Giant, and we all had huge black tank tops with the Jolly Green Giant on it, and they say "Ho, Ho, Ho"); we compete in track and field events using a Nintendo mat to win a corny trophy that gets passed from the last year's team captain to the new reigning team captain. Each year is listed with the winning captains name next to it. The past 2 years have an asterick by it, and it is noted at the bottom that the * means the win is "under protest". (There is usually some serious cheating going on).

While I did miss hanging out with our church family tonight, it was good to see old friends that I haven't seen in quite a while, and - like I said - just do something that felt like 'old times'. I just needed that, and am glad I had the opportunity.

But, sadly, this is the close of another weekend. It was such a nice, relaxing one too! Oh, well...back to the grind tomorrow. Such is life I guess.

So, what did you all do for Superbowl??


Laura said...

well, I was with people from MY church and WE had a GREAT TIME eating hot wings and all kinds of good food, drinking coffee, having fun, and even watching the game... unfortunatly one of my best friends decided to hang out with "old friends" at another party... tsk tsk.
JUST KIDDING!!! Glad you had fun and we did miss you :)

Anonymous said...

I was surprised, too, because we were very excited about the Super Bowl!!

Ben and I had planned to watch it together with the boys - I even bought lots of fun food and drinks, so we could have our own little party.

But I ended up not being able to watch most of it, as my son was sick with a bad fever. =(

I was rooting for the Giants, though and was keeping up with the score, so what an exciting game!

Anonymous said...


It was great fun at the party. I really enjoyed being with you and was reminded how much I miss you and your family. Change is hard sometimes, when we seem to be drawn to the familiar, I guess out of fear of the new. But, the cool thing about being in the family of God is that no matter where we are in life, people we care about are always in our hearts. That is where you remain with me, my dear sister!!! Love Ya, Sharon