Saturday, February 23, 2008

I survived!

This morning I have awaken without fever! Hallelujah!

I've been completely out of commission for the past 3 days, suffering, along with my family (except for Bryce & Todd who somehow managed to escape) from the dreaded flu. We started with it on Wednesday, and once it hit, it hit hard. Most of the time we had fevers of at least 102. The boys got as high as just over 104...that sort of had me a little worried. But the fevers were responding to Tylenol and Motrin, so I figured there was no need to call the doctor, but rather there was nothing to do but wait it out. You know, plenty of liquids, chicken soup, etc., and sure enough, we've finally made it through!

Anyway, that explains my blogging absence, and now hopefully we will be able to re-enter the 'normal' world - starting with the mounds of laundry and dishes that have piled up while I was out of commission!

I know many of you are/have been battling the flu as well - my prayers are with you! Hope you make it out in time to enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

Bets said...

I'm soooo glad you're feeling better!
I went to the dr this morning to find that I have an ear infection on top of the flu - yuck. Joelle, Eva and I are still being hammered pretty hard. I'm so glad that you're through the worst of it!