Feeling much better today. What a difference a day can make.
Anyway, I am just baffled as I sit here and think about how fast Christmas came and went! I feel kind of like I missed it! Part of it was that we had to jump into action the day after Christmas, start packing, etc, for our trip to Massachusetts. Like I said earlier, the wedding was great, and we had a riot at the reception watching our kids (as Bryce put it) "bust some moves". Bryce and Lily (my niece) sure are 'crowd pleasers' to say the least! We are sort of wondering how and when we're going to need to reign this in! :)
This Christmas must have been the year of the 'key chain' - I got three of them. One that Bryce picked out that is metal and says "I Love You Mom" with a nice little poem on the other side, and then a set from Seth - 2 fuzzy, pastel unicorns.
I questioned Todd about how he came up with this particular gift and he was as clueless as I. He said as they entered the store Seth's idea was to get me a sweater (perfect!), but once he saw his brother pick a key chain, he absolutely HAD to do the same. (When I casually asked Seth why he picked the unicorns he said "What are unicorns?" I told him that was what the key chains he gave me were, and he replied "Oh. I thought they were ponies." He was still unfazed and had no explanation for the sudden draw to them.) Todd said he tried to steer him back to the sweater department, but he burst into tears, insisting upon the key chains. So unicorns it was, and a candle. Which, after seeing Seth pick a candle, Luke insisted upon the same thing, so I got 2 keychains, and 2 white pillar candles.
It was one of those Christmases that, as a mom, you just see past the actual gift to the sentiment behind it, and try to be as excited as you can! Kate, on the other hand, got me wonderfully warm fuzzy PJ's, which I wish I could LIVE in all the time!! And my husband got me a salon gift card. (I also had a gift certificate for a massage somewhere that I've been saving, plus some Christmas cash - put all that together and I see a day of relaxation & shopping in my future - and I'm sure that using my keys now hanging from the fuzzy unicorn key chain will make the whole day simply magical!)
Well, today I started cleaning up some of the Christmas decorations, and hopefully will do the rest tomorrow. I want to start out the New Year, and get back into the swing of school without having half-done jobs hanging over my head. An upcoming post will be about my reflections of the past year and/or my goals (don't like 'resolutions') for the new year. This will make me actually think through them!
And I am STILL working on trying to change my blog look... One of these days I WILL get it to look the way I want!! (Sneak peek - it's one of my goals for 2008!!) :)
Have an awesome New Year's Eve!
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